Hello and welcome to my blog. Here you will find original poetry, music and songs that I love, videos and a daily feature know as the Babe of the Day. I also do a radio show that I have the most fun doing. So please, take as look around and enjoy yourself. Feel free to leave a comment and thanks much for stopping by. KpH... Email me if you wish - edgycorners24@yahoo.com
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A few more shots from the Big Apple
Pretty cool how close we got to Madonna who was directing some sort of film in the park. The top picture is of my brother and his lady and the bottom show is me and Brady chilling a few hours before the Ween concert.
Photographs from my trip to New York City last September
Went to NYC with my brother in law Brady and his woman Rhiannon to see my beloved Ween live in Central Park. The show was killer and a good time was had by all. Here are some photographs taken a few hours before the concert as we killed time waiting. Dig the Twizzlers pictures and Cookie Monster....a very cool time.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Babes Of The Day
A few delicious ladies of the long player era. All fantastic women and I would like to add that the Date With Riverside is one of my all time favorite album covers...awesome shot. Enjoy the girls.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mama, You Been On My Mind by Johnny Cash
Here is Johnny Cash at his best...covering a Bob Dylan tune that is simply marvelous. It's a killer tune for all the right reasons. So pull up a chair and have a listen....you'll dig it...I guarantee it.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Summer Is Over
she is just
around the corner,
I can tell
the branches.
stocking here
a panty there.
I woke up to find
a bra on
the hood
of my car.
summer is
all I can say
when the wood
stands naked
my arms will be
full again
watch the leaves drop
and my
heart pumps as
another day falls
single cigarette
in the ashtray will
be joined with his best
and finally..
warm flesh
tight and true will
take the place of
the cold void
I've been sleeping
I will jump into her
like a child in a pile
autumn leaves
and she will
wide open
and ready
for it
around the corner,
I can tell
the branches.
stocking here
a panty there.
I woke up to find
a bra on
the hood
of my car.
summer is
all I can say
when the wood
stands naked
my arms will be
full again
watch the leaves drop
and my
heart pumps as
another day falls
single cigarette
in the ashtray will
be joined with his best
and finally..
warm flesh
tight and true will
take the place of
the cold void
I've been sleeping
I will jump into her
like a child in a pile
autumn leaves
and she will
wide open
and ready
for it
Babes Of The Day (Record cover ladies)
Tonight I bring you some random record cover babes. Needless to say all these ladies are unknown which is unfortunate because they are mighty hot. Ah well...enjoy them anyway. These girls are the first in what I hope will be a regular feature here at Talk Me Down so keep on coming back to see what I have for your peepers. By the way..the music is pretty good as well...especially the Les Elgart record.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Promise by Violent Femmes
This was supposed to be the first song on the radio show I posted yesterday but was cut out for some reason..so, I put it up here solo for your listening enjoyment.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Radio Show Number Three...A podcast for your listening pleasure.
Howdy and welcome to my third radio show. For some reason the first song didn't record correctly and you can only hear the tail end of it. The rest of the show is wonderful though...chock full of great tunes that will certainly bring a smile to your face. Here is the song list:
promise - violent femmes
you still believe in me - beach boys
-break 1-
what good am i? - bob dylan
don't let me be misunderstood - elvis costello
do you love me now? - the breeders
new sensations - lou reed
-break 2-
soulful wind - nick lowe
man i've become - nick lowe
lover please - vernons girls
days - the kinks
-break 3-
you're the one - buddy holly
1-2 crush on you - the clash
buddy holly - weezer
soul pad - the coasters
java - elsa popping & her pixieland band
-break 4-
go your own way - fleetwood mac
cigarette of a single man - squeeze
how can i be such a fool - frank zappa
dear john - hank williams
-break 5-
thats really super, supergirl - xtc
where were you in 1982? - 101 stings
bound to pack it up - white stripes
There you go...have a listen..it's a little over an hour so put your feet up and relax. Thanks and see ya later.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Shovel (A Short Story)
I wrote this some time back...my first real attempt at a short story. I place it here for the hell of it.
He called his wife on the phone. There was nothing else to do. He
masturbated two times already that day. Not a thing on the television
and besides
it was raining out. Nothing inside, nothing outside.
She picked up and said hello. The second he heard her voice he
calling. He could have gone out and stood naked in the freezing rain.
He could
have swallowed a fist full of sleeping pills and unplugged the phone.
He could have tried to get
it up one more time and go for three strikes on the ceiling. But he
didn't. He called
his wife and now it was too late to turn back.
"How are you doing Marie?"
A loud and long sigh came from the other end. He heard her suck in
her breath and
he braced himself.
"Well you know the guy downstairs is supposed to shovel the
walkway. The motherfucker
pays less rent than I do because he’s supposed to help around this
apartment. I got home from work to find that not only was the
sidewalk not done but the
son of a bitch never got around to the driveway. I had to park on the
street with all the other
assholes who live on this god forsaken road. So I went to his
apartment to find out why
nothing had been done. You know me Vince, you don’t want to piss me
off! So I go and
bang on his damn door. Blam blam blam blam! His wife answers stinking
of booze. That
lady is fucked up. Do you remember the time she came up to my place
when you were over
fixing the sink? She started screaming at me to keep the banging down
and I was like
lady, my fucking husband is over here fixing my sink and if you don’t
like the fucking sounds
you can kiss my big fat clogged up sink of a ass!"
Holy shit that was
a riot! Anyway, she opens
the door and I ask her why her fucking husband has not shoveled the
sidewalk and all. I mean he
had 24 hours to get the damned job done. Of course I didn’t say that!
I just said
"hey, is Frank around?
He was supposed to shovel and all."
And then, you know what she said
to me? You are not going to
believe this. She said that Frank cut his fingers while slicing a
fucking ham and got 66 stitches on his
left hand! I almost shit myself! So of course I asked her how he was
doing. Just to be human you know.
She said he was in the tub
relaxing with a drink. And you know what this means? Don't you? This
means that no one is going to shovel
the fucking snow! I'm going to be parking on that street for weeks!
Jesus Christ. Why me? Of all the places
I could be living, I had to pick a place with a sloppy meat cutter as
the handyman idiot."
"Why don't you call the landlord and let him know the walkway is not
being cleared. I'm sure he would want
to know."
"What do you think I am? A idiot or something! I called him. Of
course I called him. Jesus! I called him the second
I got my boots off. He said that as long as Frank is laid up..that's
what he said! Laid up! What a moron!
As long as Frank is
laid up that maybe I could shovel for a while. He said he would
knock off 30 bucks from the rent. The fucking
gall of that fat bastard! Who the fuck does he think I am? Some
lesbian butch? I told him to
cram it. I said he could stick that rickety old shovel up his over
used asshole. That’s what I said Vince. So help
me, that’s what I said. He couldn't believe it! He went silent. Then I
"no way Jose"
and slammed the phone
down. I nearly busted the fucking thing! Haha! So, hell, I don't
know what to do. Hey, hold on for a sec."
He heard her put the phone down on the table. He knew that table
well. He bought it about 5 summers ago at the
local Kmart. He carried the damned thing stuck in some cheap box up
those stairs in a horrible heat. Dragged it
into the kitchen and put it together by himself. Alone. A very big
accomplish for a man who needs instructions for
a hammer. This was supposed to be a surprise for Marie. She had been
bitching about the old table ever since she had moved in.
She came home that night. Put her keys on the table and without even
looking at Vince who was sitting in one of
the chairs said:
"Jesus Vincent, where the hell did you dig this
nightmare up? Kmart?"
But still, to this day the
table sat there. In his old apartment. A testament to his failures.
He lit a cigarette and as he placed the match in the
tray he heard her cough into his ear..then curse and then, much to
his dismay began to speak again.
"My God. I finally got out of my dress. I don't know why the hell I
still wear this ugly old thing you got me.
I do know this though, I have to
shave my legs. They are getting mighty hairy. Hey, you still like my
legs Vince? You used to go on and on about
how much you adored my legs. Back in the early days. Before it all
went to shit. Ain’t that right Vince? So, you
still like them? Do you think about them when you try to fall asleep
on that bed of yours? Do you?"
"Yeah, I guess I do. I don't know. Sometimes I guess."
"You guess? You guess? What kind of answer is that? Jesus Vince. You
are and always will be a real twit. You
know that don’t you?"
"Yeah, a twit with a capitol T."
An hour later they hung up, or actually she hung up on him. Pissed
off about something or other. He stripped out of his
sweat soaked shirt and decided to have a beer or two. Topless at the
kitchen table Vince sat with the bottle
of Miller and stared out the window. The rain had turned to a very
light snow. The street lights were just coming
on and soon he would have to get ready for work. What the fuck
happened to me Vince thought. How the hell did
I become a third shift jackoff with a insane so to be ex wife and a
car in danger of being taken away by the bank? It was too much
for him apparently as he stood up and with the bottle in his hand
went to the bedroom where he fingered through a
stack of books on the floor. In fact, the room was surrounded by
books. Like ropes in a boxing ring. All four walls
tattooed three feet high with books of every color and size. In no
order one could see. He grabbed The Stranger and
flipped through the pages. He put it down and turned around. He put
the bottle on the nightstand and walked over to
the corner by the window. He kneeled down and searched. After a while
he picked the book he wanted. Terry Andersons
memoir Den Of Lions. He opened the book at bookmark and
"Prayers in the night hurled fiercely at an absent God;
pleas, promises, bargains offered , but no answers."
He picked up a shirt laying on the bed. He put it on.
Eating a bologna sandwich alone at work Vince sat reading the
paper. More bad news. Unemployment up.
Riots in Germany. Bombs in the Mideast. The president is still a
moron and worst of all the paper yanked
Doonesbury from the funny pages after a controversial
strip. Garfield is not funny, it’s downright depressing he thought to
himself. What is this world coming to?
He gathered up his paper plate
and coffee mug. Walked over to the garbage can and threw them in.
Shit was rumbling. His stomach felt ill
so he headed off to the men’s room. On his way he ran into Marcella.
She just lifted herself up from the
water fountain and spotted him charging down the hall like a moose.
"Vince! Hey hey you Moose. How is ya?"
He slowed down. Stopped actually and greeted her in return.
"Marcella. Fine. I am fine. Did you hear about Doonesbury? The paper
axed it man."
"I know. I read about it this afternoon when I woke up. It’s an
outrage! It was always the first thing I read
when I got the dumb old paper. Hey, you in a hurry? Got time to grab
a smoke outside? I'm dying
for a cigarette."
His bowels churned. Bologna and depression do not mix. His belly was
bursting, screaming for relief.
"For you my friend, of course. I could use a dose of Turkish gold
myself. I just ate."
Marcella smiled and pulled at his arm. "Ok then, Mr. Moose, let’s go
Outside they stood on the truck delivery station. Pallets laid
around them in the snow among the
discarded cigarette butts. Just a sliver of moon hiding behind the
clouds made it a dark evening. Or morning.
It was around 3AM and it had stopped snowing. They stood there
silently smoking. Vince looked up to the sky. He wanted to see stars
it was impossible. It was too cloudy.
"I wish we could see the stars but it’s too cloudy."
Marcella exhaled a puff of smoke and laughed "What is it with you and
the stars? Every time we come out here
you always talk about the stars. Just why is that Vinnie?"
Vince flicked his camel into the air. It landed with a suicide
grace. He watched it as it slowly went out in the snow.
"I don't know. I think I just like things that are far away."
"Interesting Mr. Mooseman. What about me? I’m right next to you. I bet
you don't like me eh?"
She smiled and
poked her elbow into his side. She laughed.
"Well out with the answer
He stood there silent. He reached into his pocket for another
smoke. Lunch break was
almost over but there was time for at least one more. He would have
to wait two more hours before he could use
the bathroom though.
"Marcella, may I ask you a question?"
"Sure...why not! It’s Friday and I'm in a good mood! But you’re not
ducking my question are you?"
"I’m glad you're in a good mood Marcella."
He lit the cigarette and put away his lighter. His fingers were
getting cold and he wished he had brought his
gloves from the car. His head tilted up as his lips opened.
"Marcella, do you shovel your own driveway?"
She laughed.
"No no. My son does. He's good at it to. Every time it
snows he's on the job! What a silly question
Mr. Moose. Why do you ask?"
He took a drag from his smoke and flicked the half done thing onto
the ground. He turned away and began walking
back to the building.
No reason he said. Just simply curious.
He opened the door and felt the heat hit him. He had a minute left
to punch in. He walked to the clock. There really
was no time to do anything else.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Tender Situation *Live Acoustic at Rudgers Dorm* by WEEN
I've been playing this tune pretty often here around the house and I thought I'd share it with you all. This is a live acoustic version from Rugers University...good stuff by the brothers Ween. So..have a listen to this great Ween track..sing along if you'd like...here are the lyrics:
Take this ache as the final break
A tender situation, create a good illusion
Feel the grip of your salvation
Yeah dude this is really a tender situation
Get off the pot man shake and bake
Taste the waste boy taste the waste
What is your place in my glorification
Yeah this is really a tender situation
Get off the pot man shake and bake
Taste the waste boy taste the waste
Pump it up or stray from that old station
Yeah dude this is really a tender situation
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Let Me Kiss Ya by Nick Lowe
I've been on a mighty big Nick Lowe kick lately and here is one that I've been playing often...you'll be sure to dig it..I'm positive.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
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