Twenty Five is here and damn it's a good one. Got some fresh tunes by The Dead Milkmen and some oldies by the likes of Hall and Oates and Buddy Holly. Some rare Ween from a crummy TV show and a dance mix (How I love those old 1980's dance mixes) by Big Audio Dynamite. So have a listen and enjoy this hour long know you really have nothing better to do anyway.
Radio Show Number 25
the king in yellow/william bloat - dead milkmen
root down (pp Balloon Mix) beastie boys
abbabubba - black francis
you make my dreams - hall and oates
tanque rae - nick lowe
sayonara - pogues
rush (NY 12 inch Mix) Big Audio Dynamite
police on my back (live shea stadium) the clash
message of love - the pretenders
open a can of human beans - the dukes of stratosphear
honerable hong kong rock - the out-islanders
well...all right - buddy holly
happy colored marbles (Live Carson Daly show) - Ween
drivin' on - the breeders
america - prince and the revolution
america drinks and goes home - mothers of invention
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