Wednesday, February 2, 2011

White Stripes are no more..sad news. I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself. A video eulogy.

‘Tis a dark day here in America as I just read that the White Stripes are finished…kaput and broken up. They were the only newer band that I still bought records from.     A friend of mine suggested that I check them out back in 2000 and so I went to some file sharing program…can’t recall which one… and downloaded a few tunes…the first one I played was I’m Bound to Pack It Up which immediately impressed me. The next day I went out and bought De Stijl and I was a fan.  So today it was with a heavy heart that I learned of their demise. Shame, as they could have really pushed their music much farther. I hope Meg does a few solo albums…unless she wants to join me and my pal Robert in our new rocking and rolling band and I’m sure Jack White will carry on with his many projects.
  So, I dedicate this video to those White Stripers and other fans who feel a tad bit sad today. 
The White Stripes are dead
Long live the White Stripes.


  1. a sad & unfortunate death.i got into them after their demise, so i am a little less lamented.
    but sadden all the same. long live recording "device".

  2. such a "ironic" eulogy.u r a clever man Kevin..& luckily jacks writing is therapeutic & he will always move forward..for that i aspire..

  3. you taught me that"word" with a poem you wrote for "papa's home".thank you..always more to learn..smittenT
