Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I microwave my tea and
  sometimes I forget about it
and leave the mug in there
only to hear
a frustrated shout of disapproval
and complaints of having to remove the
hot cup from some disgruntled housemate

I have a disintegrating memory
and I can imagine that it must be
hard to live with me

you know,
having to tell me the same thing twice
or three times even

I hear this daily

“I told you this last night Kevin…
don’t you remember?”

I don’t
and shopping on Thursdays with my mother
I tell her and then retell her the same things
only to find out
that we discussed this on the phone
the other night

ah, age
what a pain in the ass
and I guess it is only going to get worse

sometimes I forget if I ate dinner
the night before
and so I’ll make up a plate of leftovers
only to find that they were saved for my son
for me

“You ate yours last night, Jack Ass”

sometimes I forget if I wrote the night earlier
sometimes I forget if I posted a poem
sometimes I forget if I worked at all on my blog

little things almost never stick with me
but I can recall most big events
I knew that my grandfather passed away
and that the car had a flat tire
but, like I said
it is frustrating

so, my wife reminds me to take my meds
and so far I’ve yet to forget how to get to the
so at least I have that
going for me

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